Function over fashion


Looking Good Is NOT Better Than Feeling Good. Especially when it comes to running shoes.

When it comes to shoes, I have been just as shallow as the next person. I crammed my feet into flats, wedges, pumps and the coolest running shoes you’ve EVER seen. And you know where that got me? Bunion city. At the ripe old age of 22. If you don’t believe me…. Forget it. I’m not showing you my feet.

You see I thought that my shoes needed to look good and my feet would just figure it out. Especially when it came to running or gym shoes. But here is my POS (public service announcement): STOP BUYING SHOES JUST BECAUSE THEY LOOK COOL. Unless they feel like a million bucks, you are kidding yourself if you think your body will just magically adapt to the shoes and not creak and groan the entire time. 

What are some common mistakes with buying running shoes?

  1. Fashion over function. If your shoes aren’t the right shoes for the job or for your body, it does NOT matter how cool they look. Orthotics only help so much. 

  2. Assuming your size. Have you had your foot measured lately? There are lots of reasons why the feet change size throughout our lives. You probably aren’t the exact same size you were 10 years ago. Shoe companies also vary sizes so if it’s a brand you have not tried, you might be surprised by your size. 

  3. Buying shoes too small. Women are notorious for this. It’s like we are afraid to say “I’m of Norwegian descent so send those 10.5 Reeboks down this way.” Be proud of your big feet because big feet mean a bigger base. 

  4. Shopping at the wrong time of day. If you are planning to go on a full shoe journey at your local running store, find your perfect shoe and ask lots of questions, don’t go at the peak shopping hours. Don’t show up at 11:00 on a Saturday and expect to get the same shopping experience as if you were to show up at 3:00 on a Monday. 

So how do you find the perfect running shoe for YOUR body?

  1. Get assessed. If you are shopping for a new pair of shoes due to an injury, the shoes may not be the fix. If you are concerned about old injuries or selecting a shoe for your body and biomechanics, make an appointment with your local physio or chiropractor.

  2. Try on ALL the shoes. Go to your local running store, show them your hooves and explain your goals. Try on the shoes they bring out for you, even if your fashionista brain is screaming ‘you won’t catch me dead in these.’ My experience with running stores is that these people care deeply about people’s feet and have lots of training. They will be able to find a good shoe for you. 

  3. Stop ordering your shoes online. Support your local running store and actually try on the shoes before you buy them. You might pay a little more for the shoe but you will get so much more help learning about your shoes and your feet by talking to someone who cares. Bezoes does not care how flat your arch is.

Bottomline: Your feet deserve better than just cool.


Core: Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing - Part 3


Hips: Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing - Part 2