take care of your feeT

Get started with toe spacers!

The Toe Spacers also help reestablish the natural shape of the foot by stretching out muscles to improve stability, posture and can help combat feet deformity from everyday shoes. It also encourages movement and blood circulation to the toes and restores normal and natural foot function.

Along with proper foot exercises, foot muscles become stronger and this leads to resolved foot problems and pain. The Toe Spacers helps strengthen intrinsic muscles in feet which helps stability in yoga balance poses, pain free runs, deeper squats and stronger jumps.

take it slow

Start with 3-5 minutes sitting or lying down.

If you're new to wearing toe spacers, it's important to start wearing them passively either seated or laying down. If you are wearing them seated, keep your feet grounded to allow for better circulation. Once your feet have adapted, add movement and increase the timeframe. You will find you have the most benefit from wearing the toe spacers when active. Wearing them as part of your warm-up, barefoot training session, or post workout adds the most benefit to the body.

Benefits of Toe Spacers

  • Relieve Foot Pain

    When the foot is in a more natural position, the other joints and structures may experience less pain.

  • Strengthen Intrinsic Muscles

    There are over 100 muscles in the foot! They control the foot throughout the gait cycle. You train the rest of the body, why not the foot?!

  • Enhance Foot Mobility

    Without proper foot and ankle mobility, other structures in the body adapt through compensation patterns. This leaves performance and efficiency on the table!

  • Restore Natural Foot Shape

    Narrow or poor fitting shoes can do a lot of damage to the feet over time. Toe Spacers promote better position of the foot to combat side effects.

Exercises with toe spacers

After your feet have gotten used to the spacers, you can start to do exercises with them. Here are two of our favorite ways to build intrinsic foot strength for pain and performance.