Compound Exercises: Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing - Part 4

This is Part 3 of a 6 parts series covering the exercises that Every Runner Should Be Doing.

Missed the First 3 Parts? Find them here

All runners should have 1-2 strength sessions per week if they want to run faster and further while remaining injury-free.

Here are the exercise categories I start all my runners with:

  1. Lower Legs

  2. Hips and Thighs

  3. Core

  4. Compound Movements (integrating the trunk and lower body)

  5. Upper Body Exercises

  6. Foot Strength

The reason we use Compound Exercises (exercises that require more than one joint to move) is because they help our body learn to coordinate muscles and joints through a larger range of motion. This can help our strength and balance, and enhance the transfer of our training to our running.

compound movements

Running is essentially a series of repetitive single-leg jumps, from one foot to the other, THOUSANDS of times per run. It pays dividends to train what we refer to as the ‘posterior chain’ (which is essentially from the soles of your feet to your back).

If you are paying attention, you may have noticed that some of the exercises in the Hip/Glute post are also compound movements. The exercises below take it a bit further, and challenge you through additional Range of Motion.

Here are some of the compound movements I use for my training and I have my runners use:

Some final points…

In reality, you do not need to be doing THESE exercises. There are literally thousands of exercises you can choose from, these are just the ones that I like to see my patients and clients doing. But you should be doing SOME form of strength training. Both for injury prevention AND to improve your performance.

In general, I recommend some form of:

  • Lower Leg Specific Training

  • Hip Specific Training

  • Core Training (primarily “anti-rotation” or '“anti-movement“ exercises)

  • Compound Movements emphasizing the Posterior Chain Strength Exercises (glutes and hamstrings)

  • Basic Upper Body Strength exercises (1-2 pressing and pulling exercises)

  • Foot Strength

Cover all these bases and you are bound to feel better and run with more confidence

NEXT UP: Part 5 - Upper Body Training

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Sport and Spine in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc

Exercises that Every Runner Should Be Doing

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    Upper Body Training: Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing - Part 5


    Core: Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing - Part 3